Respuestas a preguntas frecuentes

En REBI nos dedicamos a satisfacer tus necesidades y requerimientos inmobiliarios de una manera profesional y personalizada, simplificando y agilizando procesos.
Contacta a un asesor inmobiliario de REBI para recibir asesoría personalizada y que te brinde las mejores opciones del mercado inmobiliario de acuerdo con tus necesidades y/u objetivos.
  • Buena actitud o carácter positivo.
  • Experiencia en el sector:
    • Currículo Vitae
    • Estar afiliado a una asociación, ejemplo AMPI.
    • Certificación inmobiliaria.
  • Conocimientos legales, financieros y fiscales.
  • Conocimiento actual del mercado (tendencias, precios, métricas principales de impacto en el mercado, etc.)
  • Honorabilidad y amabilidad.
  • Profesionalidad y presentación.
  • Avaluó reciente, es decir, que no tenga más de 6 meses de antigüedad.
  • Estudio de Mercado reciente, es decir, que no tenga más de 6 meses de antigüedad. Checa los inmuebles que se venden en tu zona, por lo menos ten una muestra de no menos de 10 – 15 inmuebles de características similares.
  • Considera un margen de negociación y a situación actual del mercado.
    • Margen de negociación en una compraventa es del 5% - 7%.
    • Margen de negociación en un arrendamiento es del 10% - 12%.
  • ¡Los recuerdos y apegos no se pagan!
En REBI te brindaremos las mejores opciones para hacer un plan de comercialización a la medida, con el fin de hacer llegar tu inmueble a todo aquel cliente potencial.
Considera que la adquisición de un inmueble conlleva gastos tales como prediales, servicios (agua, luz, gas, etc.) y mantenimiento. Asegúrate de preguntar el estimado de estos gastos antes de concretar la transacción, ya que estos deben estar alineados a tu presupuesto mensual.
GrandHome is intended to be highly responsive and customizable for site building process. Thanks to its devoted, fastidious, and compact design, Mitech can be considered among plenty of unique themes that serve to create highly responsive websites.
GrandHome is intended to be highly responsive and customizable for site building process. Thanks to its devoted, fastidious, and compact design, Mitech can be considered among plenty of unique themes that serve to create highly responsive websites.
GrandHome is intended to be highly responsive and customizable for site building process. Thanks to its devoted, fastidious, and compact design, Mitech can be considered among plenty of unique themes that serve to create highly responsive websites.
GrandHome is intended to be highly responsive and customizable for site building process. Thanks to its devoted, fastidious, and compact design, Mitech can be considered among plenty of unique themes that serve to create highly responsive websites.
GrandHome is intended to be highly responsive and customizable for site building process. Thanks to its devoted, fastidious, and compact design, Mitech can be considered among plenty of unique themes that serve to create highly responsive websites.
GrandHome is intended to be highly responsive and customizable for site building process. Thanks to its devoted, fastidious, and compact design, Mitech can be considered among plenty of unique themes that serve to create highly responsive websites.
GrandHome is intended to be highly responsive and customizable for site building process. Thanks to its devoted, fastidious, and compact design, Mitech can be considered among plenty of unique themes that serve to create highly responsive websites.
GrandHome is intended to be highly responsive and customizable for site building process. Thanks to its devoted, fastidious, and compact design, Mitech can be considered among plenty of unique themes that serve to create highly responsive websites.
GrandHome is intended to be highly responsive and customizable for site building process. Thanks to its devoted, fastidious, and compact design, Mitech can be considered among plenty of unique themes that serve to create highly responsive websites.
GrandHome is intended to be highly responsive and customizable for site building process. Thanks to its devoted, fastidious, and compact design, Mitech can be considered among plenty of unique themes that serve to create highly responsive websites.
GrandHome is intended to be highly responsive and customizable for site building process. Thanks to its devoted, fastidious, and compact design, Mitech can be considered among plenty of unique themes that serve to create highly responsive websites.
GrandHome is intended to be highly responsive and customizable for site building process. Thanks to its devoted, fastidious, and compact design, Mitech can be considered among plenty of unique themes that serve to create highly responsive websites.